What is the cause of the Ovarian cyst

Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Omaatuntoa woman grows sacs Is her reproductive system. To reach Puberty, when a woman's body begins to develop a play the ability to achieve the maturity. Her life at this stage, the liquid, called follicles within the ovaries sacs beginneth to grow on a monthly basis.
These are responsible for producing hormones, which are needed for the hormones produced in the Ovulation. Follicles are estrogen and progesterone.
Estrogen aid to the establishment of women's sexual secondary characteristics, such as breasts and normalizes the menstrual cycle of progesterone regulates the menstrual bleeding. because of the use of progesterone deficiency cause heavy bleeding. It intact uterus lining and endometria.
Before Ovulation the functional connections to these follicles are cysts. When Ovulation occurs, sacs follicles to burst and released through the menses. but when this happens, the liquid yolk sac grows greater and will be lost.
This is the cause of the ovarian Cyst. There are two types: the corpus luteum and follicular.
Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone LH or produced by the pituitary CABLE GLAND, which is responsible for the egg cell inside the follicle. Medium as a function of the LH says cell gives the egg to go, so it can travel through the uterus and fallopian transfer tube down the male sperm fertilized. Ovarian Cyst of the reasons for the LH production does not take place.
On the other hand, the follicular Cyst arose.In this case, the cell burst and release within the egg. This is normal, because the follicles are connected to the thousands of normally go away 2 and 3 months.
The problem is, when this ovarian abnormality in a waiting period.Sometimes it exceptional size-approximately 8 cm or 3 inches-multiplication and cause problems such as bleeding or torsion. it is a complex surgical tumor, needs to be removed.
Ovarian Cyst the second reason is the corpus luteum.This occurs when the LH surges egg cells have been released., a high-capacity to produce hormones (estrogen and progesterone). Corpus luteum then follicles.
It is due to another cause ovarian Cyst sometimes fluid will increase and it becomes huge.As the first type is the potential of the Cyst is causing problems or make up a complex ovarian problem comes.
When this occurs, you can use natural remedies or in extreme cases, it may be necessary to the functioning of the surgical enlargement and its symptoms depending on the seriousness of the offence.
Many women experience as these during their life cycle. Some go away your own and the other is placed under the supervision of a physician may require more Surgery is necessary,. higher case and others can work with natural remedies.
Therefore, it is important to schedule a pap smear, at least once a year and will be discussing the options available for treatment.

If you or someone to know that suffers from this painful learning what cause ovarian Cyst condition is only the first recovery. If you or someone knows this is sustainable, to understand the development of ovarian Cyst is a warning sign that something is wrong. the most important step is learning how to completely remove them. Visit www.bestovariancystcures.info, if you want to learn more.


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