Complicated Ovarian Cysts - What to Do When You Have a Complex Ovarian Cyst

Saturday, October 23, 2010

There are many different types of cysts that can develop on your ovaries. Some are harmless and go away on their own, others are more serious and require the attention of a physician. A complicated ovarian cyst is a cyst that should be addressed as soon as possible as it has the potential of becoming problematic. A complicated ovarian cyst is known among specialists as a complex ovarian cyst.

A complex or complicated ovarian cyst is a sac that is filled with both fluids and solids and is more likely to be cancerous than a simple functional cyst. Still, 85% of all complex cysts are benign so if you have been diagnosed with one, take it seriously, but don't panic.

There are different types of complex cysts and the type will have an influence on the degree and type of pain you experience and the treatment recommended. A Dermoid Cyst is one type of complicated cyst and it is formed from the cells that actually form the egg and therefore the cyst can contain sweat glands, nails, teeth and hair. They can become extremely painful.

Endometriomas are another type of complicated ovarian cyst that is often associated with Endometriosis. Cells from the uterine lining attach to the ovary and form a cyst. Cystadeonmas are the third type of complex cysts and they are the largest of all cysts. It is the size and weight of these cysts that cause the biggest problem, not the danger of malignancy.

It has not been completely determined what causes a complicated ovarian cyst to develop. Some women have a predisposition to developing cysts. Other times neglecting an existing cyst can lead to more serious problems. There also seems to be a correlation between obesity, a lowered immune system, insulin intolerance and other medical problems to the development of cysts. Lifestyle can have an impact as well.

If you are experiencing extreme pain and discomfort in your lower abdomen on one side have it checked out by a medical practitioner. There are a variety of conditions with similar symptoms so it is necessary to have it properly diagnosed. Other symptoms of functional cysts and complicated ovarian cysts include bloating and pressure in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, breast tenderness, lower back pain and pain that radiates down one leg. Periods may be heavy and irregular.

If you have been formerly diagnosed with a complex or complicated ovarian cyst follow the advice of your physician. But, taking a holistic approach to your treatment can be beneficial as well. Boosting your immune system with a vitamin and mineral supplement and using herbal remedies to eliminate toxins in your body may help your body function more efficiently and will benefit the healing process. Evaluate your diet and weight. A correlation has been discovered between excess body weight and ovarian cysts. Keeping hormone levels in balance seems to have a positive influence on the resolution of ovarian cysts of all types. Diet and stress both have a big impact on hormone levels.

To treat a complicated ovarian cyst using holistic methods in addition to medical treatments may include eliminating caffeine, sugar, processed foods and other unhealthy foods and replacement them with fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, legumes, and lean protein. Reduce stress by making life style changes, adding exercise and meditation and you will be doing what you can do to help heal your body.

Are you suffering from a complicated ovarian cyst and are looking for natural treatment methods to work along with the advice of your medical professional? Get more information on how to cure ovarian cysts naturally by visiting where you will learn the changes that you need to make in your lifestyle to get back to your best health now.

Karen Kalata is an avid reader and writer and enjoys sharing resources that have helped her, her family and friends. In doing so, she has created relationships with experts in the area of health and holistic treatment methods for conditions that affect both women and men. In recommending these experts products, she may receive compensation for doing so.


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