Female Infertility and Ovarian Cyst Symptoms

Thursday, October 28, 2010

There are different kinds of infertility experienced by women and the causes of infertility in women are also many and varied. As 40-50% of all infertility cases are caused by female infertility factors, there is a need to examine the causes behind it. One of the most important causes of female infertility is age. Typically, when a woman is born, over 400,000 eggs are present in each ovary. This quantity decreases over time and this continues till a woman reaches 50 years. At this age, menstruation stops and the menopause period starts. In this article, we are going to explore the effects and diagnosis of ovarian problems.

According to various studies done on this subject, the first marked decrease in fertility is noticed around the age of twenty seven, with a clear indication at the age of 35. The reason behind this is that over time both the quality and quantity of eggs seems to decrease. In case of a child being conceived at this time, there is a danger of chromosomal abnormalities being present in the child. Hence, it is absolutely essential for women to start infertility treatment as soon as possible in order to ensure a higher degree of success as well as to prevent chromosomal abnormalities from being present in their child. For women who are above the age of 44, it might not be possible to conceive naturally without the aid of donor eggs.

One of the most important parts in the female reproductive system is the ovaries. Every month, one of the two ovaries that are present produces an egg which slowly develops in a sack that is filled with a fluid which is known as a follicle. When the egg is ready, it is transported with the help of fallopian tubes to initiate the fertilization process. The ovaries also produce progesterone and estrogen. The hormones produced in the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland along with the hormones produced by the ovaries is responsible for regulating the ovulation and also the menstrual cycle. According to reports, approximately 25% of all female infertility cases occur because of irregular ovulation as any problems or irregularities in the ovulation process make the fertilization process harder. Ovarian problems can occur due to either hormonal imbalances or conditions such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.

For women who suffer from irregular menstrual cycles, it is necessary to get some hormonal evaluations done. The testing for hormones that are responsible for menopause such as FSH and estradiol, testing of testosterone levels and prolactin and for thyroid hormone or TSH are done. Then the hormones which are imbalanced and are the cause of problems are determined and the necessary treatment is given.

There is no single way of infertility treatment. There are different methods of treatment available and depending on the health of the patient, the age and family history, a detailed study is performed and a preferable mode is determined. Multiple treatments can also be done if needed and even surgeries are performed to correct certain abnormalities.

Karol Cardinson is a Health specialist with over 20 years in Diet and Nutrition Research as well as a former Infertility sufferer and can help you with getting pregnant sooner and naturally. Find out how to reverse Female and Male Infertility naturally while improving the quality of your life! For more information go to Infertility Solutions Online


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