Ovarian Cysts - What Causes Ovarian Cysts?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sometime during their reproductive years, most women experience ovarian cysts and the problems they cause..

Some women may have a single cyst and they're never troubled again. Other women, however, must deal with recurring problems that cause severe monthly pain and can even result in infertility. Ovarian cysts may unbalance a woman's hormones and trigger many other problems if you don't manage them.

But what causes ovarian cysts to form in the first place?

Ovarian cysts -- fluid-filled sacs that form on the ovaries -- develop due to excessive fluid surrounding the ovaries during menstruation. Many women experience these growths temporarily without knowing it. They may only assume their period is rather painful during a particular month. Most growths are temporary and disappear on their own in a short time.

These are the various types of cysts and their causes.

o Functioning cysts develop when fluid surrounds an egg while it is contained in the ovary. Such cysts are not dangerous, but they can cause discomfort.

o Follicular cysts develop due to an excessive amount of fluid surrounding the egg. Such cysts, which can grow to three or more inches in diameter, cause the ovary itself to swell and change color. Follicular cysts usually shrink in a few months. But they can cause some pain during and even between periods.

o Curpus lutern cysts form when an ovary tears to discharge the egg. While the ovary heals, fluids resulting from the tear may form into one or more cysts. In some cases they may dissolve in a few weeks. However, they can persist and require more care than most other cysts.

o Endometrial cysts are the result of excess bleeding of endometrial tissue. These growths can cause blood to leak into and fill the sac surrounding the egg. The sac can rupture and cause severe pelvic pain.

o Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is characterized by multiple cysts appearing simultaneously. This condition may require medical intervention.

Natural treatments to avoid surgery

While ovarian cysts may be a fact of life, the continuing presence of cysts on your ovaries can be unsettling. While doctors often prescribe surgery to remove cysts on ovaries, surgery won't prevent cysts from reoccurring.

Rather than turning to surgery, drugs, hormones, pain killers or other medical treatments, you can rely on many natural methods to relieve ovarian pain and discomfort. Natural methods can also prevent cysts from forming initially or reforming after they've been removed or otherwise have disappeared.

A significant benefit of natural treatment methods is that they're completely safe for you and, if you become pregnant, they're safe for your baby.

Get the information you need to treat and rid your body of ovarian cysts and prevent cysts from forming in the first place

Go to http://Ovarian-Cysts-Relief.info to get the most thorough and effective information available to prevent and treat ovarian cysts of all kinds.


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