Have you recently been diagnosed with an ovarian cyst? Perhaps you experienced some of the symptoms and saw your doctor for a pelvic exam. Then the results came back - that you have a cyst on your ovary. You doctor might have laid out your treatment plan, and that will be to watch and wait. Wait to see if you cyst grows in size within the next few months. And in the meantime, he might have put you on birth control pills and perhaps some pain medication to ease some of the discomfort that you are feeling.
After listening to your doctor, you might be scared to have to undergo surgery to remove the cyst from your ovary. So you might start to seek out alternative measures that you can take to get rid of your cyst naturally and right now, you just might be searching the web for natural ovarian cysts relief secrets. You may or may not have been told, but cyst often go away on their own naturally in one to three months. Although there are measures that you have to take and also make some adjustments in your day to day living to change the chemistry in your body.
What Are Some Of The Symptoms Of Ovarian Cysts?
The biggest problem with an ovarian cyst is that they are extremely painful to experience. Just about all of the symptoms of an ovarian cyst include some sort of pain and discomfort that disrupts your day to day living. Below is a list of some of the most common symptoms of an ovarian cyst:
- Pressure, swelling or pain in the abdomen
- Pelvic pain
- Dull ache in the lower back and thighs
- Problems passing urine completely
- Pain during intercourse
- Weight gain
- Pain during your menstrual cycle
- Abnormal bleeding
- Nausea or vomiting
- Breast tenderness
So not only is an ovarian cyst very uncomfortable to experience, another factor that might be on your mind will be how to get this unwanted cyst out of your body. There are some immediate measures that you can take right now, that are more natural and safe remedies to ease some of the pain and discomfort that you are feeling.
How To Eliminate Some of The Pain And Discomfort, Naturally
1.Use Heat On Your Pain Spots - You can use a heating pad, or a hot wash cloth, to eliminate some of the pain in your abdomen or your pelvic area by just placing the heating pad or hot wash cloth over the area where you feel the discomfort.
2.Take Over The Counter Meds For Pain Relief - If the doctor prescribes prescription pain medication, try to avoid taking it. As many times pain medication has addictive qualities and other unwanted side effects. For pain relief you can try Tylenol or ibuprofen if it's absolutely necessary to get some relief from the pain that you are experiencing.
3.Detoxify The Body - You can begin to do this right away by drinking lots and lots of water and also some herbal teas. And try to cut back on the saturated fats in your diet and choose a diet that is more rich in fiber. What you take into your body is a very important factor to watch closely, and perhaps change.
4.Wear Loose Fitting Clothes - Pants that are tight fitting around the mid-section put pressure on the abdomen and pelvic area that causes extra discomfort. For a while, try to wear sweats or loose fitting clothes around the house and as often as you can.
The Benefit Of Getting Rid of Cysts Naturally
You might not be aware that you do not have to wait under your doctors care. You can start to take action steps right now which can help get rid of your ovarian cyst naturally. On it's own. And often for good. Understand that you can learn, like so many other women already have, that there are dietary and other small lifestyle changes that you can make to get rid of your cyst on it's own.
You simply do not have to wait for the doctors to tell you that your cyst has grown in size. As if it does, you will certainly be a candidate for surgery. Surgery for an ovarian cyst is very scary. And the worst part about it is that even after you do have surgery and struggle through the recovery time, there is no guarantee that another cyst will not return again anyway.
This is very discouraging, that's why it's important to get as educated as you can about natural ovarian cyst relief secrets. These are all about the alternative measures that you can take to change the chemistry in your body to get rid of this unwanted cyst now - and never have it return again in the future.
Are you suffering from an ovarian cyst and looking for natural ovarian cyst relief secrets to eliminate the pain and discomfort that you are feeling and also to get the unwanted cyst out of your body? Discover this proven, natural approach to get rid of ovarian cysts for good by visiting http://www.ovarian-cysts-treatment.info today.
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