Barbara's Ovarian Cancer Story, Part I

Friday, October 29, 2010 0 comments

Process and Survival

On October 30, 2004, I will mark an anniversary of sorts. On this date a year ago, my life changed dramatically. I remember small details like the doctor's matter-of-fact voice discussing major surgery, chemotherapy, losing my hair. I remember the "dear-in-the-headlights" look on my husband's face, a look probably mirrored in my own face. I remember the day was beautiful, warm and sunny. I don't remember much of my drive back out to work or exactly how I told my co-workers that I scheduled for surgery in approximately three weeks for what was, almost certainly, advanced ovarian cancer. I've been asked to share some of the things that I found and did that helped me on this journey that began almost a year ago.

My first reaction was probably pretty standard - DENIAL- "This can't be happening to me. I'm healthy. I eat right. I exercise." Then came -ANGER. I had just had a complete physical with my doctor (which included the OB-Gyn exam) on August 28th. I had been complaining to her for months about bloating, increased waist size, and fullness. But she had assured me that everything was fine and that my exam was normal. (How could she have missed a tumor the size of my fist?) -FEAR followed anger. I have never had surgery. Chemotherapy? A nightmare! I don't want to be sick. I don't want to lose my hair! What about work, my family, my LIFE?

Fear can be a great motivator. It motivated me to learn as much as I could about ovarian cancer, the surgery, the chemotherapy protocols and the newest treatments and clinical studies. Surgery was scheduled for November 24th, two days before Thanksgiving. In the three weeks prior to surgery, I organized my work load in my department in preparation for being gone for 6-8 weeks. I spent hours gleaning information from the internet and library. I turned to friends and family for support and positive energy through prayer and visualization. With the help of my husband and a very dear friend, Sabrina, I started preparing for the surgery. We made pre and post operative tapes for stress relief (anxiety control), relaxation, pain relief, and healing. I practiced visualizing an uneventful, no complications, very successful surgery with minimal post-op discomfort and rapid recovery. My daily meditations included messages of self-healing and images of my powerful immune system already fighting and destroying the cancer cells. I continued to exercise and, in fact, went to my favorite exercise class the day before surgery. Exercise has played a very important part in my recovery from surgery and chemo. I went into surgery feeling stronger, mentally and physically, almost as if I'd been preparing for a marathon. In addition to increased exercise that included walking, step class, and weight training, I increased my vitamin intake to boost my immune system and energy levels. And just like an athlete preparing for an event, I endeavored to prepare myself emotionally and spiritually. "I feel myself strong, healthy and completely cancer free, now and forever," became, and still is, my mantra. I gathered all the good wishes and positive healing energy from friends and family like a cloak around me. I worked very hard at controlling my fears about the surgery, chemo and my future instead of letting the fears control me!

The morning of November 24th dawned clear and cold. Six AM found John and I on our way to UCSF to check in for surgery. I remember feeling somewhat disconnected to what was happening, surrounded by a sense of unreality. "I should be getting ready for work and shopping for Thanksgiving and decorating the house." Instead, we are speeding toward a big unknown. I practiced some "grounding" and "centering" techniques that Sabrina had taught me and kept deep breathing whenever the "nervous butterflies" fluttered around inside of me.

Checking in went smoothly. In my meeting with the anesthesiologist, I requested that he follow a script I had written up for him to use while talking to me during the surgery. The script had messages like: "Everything is going smoothly, Barbara," you'll wake up feeling minimal discomfort," You'll have a speedy recovery and nor complication." He agreed to my request and I was off to surgery.

The next few days are a blur, as I was in and out of sedation and on pain medication. A few memories do stand out- many, many beautiful flowers being delivered, gentle hands and voices taking care of and reassuring me; the faces of my loved ones looking stunned and scared. I must have appeared pretty scary with tubes and IV's everywhere! All seemed to be progressing smoothly until three days before my discharge. I was alert and moving around my room, sitting in the chair, and walking the hallways. And I experienced my worst day! Up until that time and for what seemed like for weeks, I'd been consciously putting on a good, strong, positive front. My theory was that the more positive energy would be reflected back to me in the form of: "It wasn't cancer, but just a benign cyst. Well, it is cancer, but we caught it early. The surgery will go great, and I'll recover quickly. I'll get back to my regular life!" That day started with a visit from my surgeon. She said I had had Stage IIIc ovarian cancer and she did not know if there was lymph node involvement. She was waiting for the report. She said a discharge nurse would be by to discuss chemo, wound care and at home follow-up. In her exam, the doctor found that my left leg was very swollen and she was sending me to have a CT Scan to rule out a blood clot. Also, my wound was infected in one area. She removed a few staples and started me on IV antibiotics. The staple removal procedure was very painful and I cried. Getting in and out of the wheelchair and up and down off the table for the CT scan was painful and I cried. Looking down at my 13 inch abdominal wound which was stapled except for a 3 inch open area and seeing my swollen to "twice it's size" left leg made me cry. And then there was the visit with the discharge nurse. A nice lady with a friendly smile as she spoke about chemo protocols that I'd be starting in three weeks, all of which would cause loss of hair, eyelashes and eyebrows. I cried. I felt so compromised, so vulnerable and SO ANGRY! Picture an armful of IV's shaking a fist at the sky. Looking back, I think finally getting angry and crying was good for me. After all, this wasn't fair, I didn't deserve this and the whole thing was overwhelming!

The next day was a little brighter. I went back to listening to my tapes, practicing my meditation and using the techniques that Sabrina and John had taught me for pain and stress relief. The CT scan was negative. No blood clots. My body was just redistributing fluids. I increased my walks around the halls and the swelling started to dissipate. The pathology report showed, to the surgeon's surprise, that there was no lymph node involvement! I felt like I had gotten an A+. And, after 10 days of hospitalization, I was going home.

That first breath of fresh air was heaven! San Francisco was at it's prettiest-clear blue sky, warm sun on my face and a cool breeze caressing my cheeks and tousling my hair. My brother carefully loaded me and my pillow into his car and I was, thankfully, on my way home.

My husband, sister Nance and my mom welcomed me with a clean house, lots of tasty treats and loving arms. My sister, Laurie, would arrive in a few days. The house would be decorated for Christmas and I was preparing to embark on phase 2, recovery from surgery and starting chemotherapy.

The second part of the story will be published in a future newsletter. It describes the chemotherapy, finding clinical studies, complimentary approaches to beating ovarian cancer that have been work for Barbara.

Ovarian Cancer: a not so silent killer

Ovarian cancer has long been considered difficult to detect with vague symptoms that look like other conditions such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome and PMS. I had been experiencing bloating, gas, fullness, and urinary tract problems for several months. I complained to my doctor. She suggested dietary changes but never did any follow up testing on me. A simple blood test called CA-125 would have alerted her to the problem before it had advanced to Stage III. An elevated CA-125 (above 35) is indicative of ovarian cancer, especially in conjunction with the other symptoms I had. New research points to a clear sign of the disease: the presence of three specific symptoms simultaneously- increased waist size, bloating or gas, and the urgent need to urinate. Since my diagnosis, several friends and my sister have requested that their doctors do a baseline CA-125, especially, if they had symptoms of gas or bloating. Fortunately, they are fine. I urge you to do research, get information and if you have any symptoms or concerns, talk to your doctor and be assertive about what you want.

Vitamin and supplements that Barbara researched and used in her fight with ovarian cancer, Phase I.

The following is a list of vitamin and supplements that I took to prepare for surgery and to speed post-operative healing.

Vitamin A: 25,000 IU daily- numerous studies have shown the beneficial effects of Vit.A on healing after surgery.

Vitamin C: 2,000 mg per day- essential for collagen synthesis which is part of normal wound healing.

Zinc, magnesium, B Complex: wound healing

Vitamin E: speeds healing


Arnica montana 30x, 3-4 pellets twice per day on the day before surgery and also as soon before surgery as possible. Then take them as soon as possible in the recovery room. Take for 1 week following surgery. Arnica is very good at preventing ill effects from any kind of physical trauma. Refer to: Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom by Christine Northrup, MD for further information about these and other supplements. She also has a script example of four healing statements for the surgeon and anesthesiologist that I requested they say to me during my operation.

I also took Cat's Claw. I found information about this herb on the internet and started taking it as soon as I was diagnosed. I continue to take it daily. Cat's Claw is indigenous to the Amazon rainforest and other tropical areas of South and Central America. It has been used for over 2,000 years by indigenous peoples for a variety of conditions including wound healing, cancer, internal cleansing, and "normalizing" the body. It has been used in Europe and Peru since the early 1990's as an adjunctive treatment for cancer and AIDs as well as other diseases that target the immune system.

A good information website for further research: Raintree Nutrition-Tropical Plant Database.

Link to Part II

I used the guided relaxations/visualizations CD's from the Stress Education

1. #209 Stress Management for Pre and Post-op Survival

2. #208 Stress Management for Healing


Health Update from SELF Magazine by Jennifer Nelson November, 2004

Ovarian cancer: a not-so-silent killer

"Early diagnosis is crucial. When disease is caught before it spreads, 80 percent of women will survive."

by Barbara Ehlers-Mason, RN and L. John Mason, Ph.D.

Look for Part II .... If you wish more information.

Stress Education Center (707) 795-2228 website:

L. John Mason, Ph.D. is the author of the best selling "Guide to Stress Reduction." Since 1977, he has offered Executive Coaching and Training.

Please visit the Stress Education Center's website at Stress, Stress Management, Coaching, and Training for articles, free ezine signup, and learn about the new telecourses that are available. If you would like information or a targeted proposal for training or coaching, please contact us at (360) 593-3833.

If you are looking to promote your training or coaching career, please investigate the Professional Stress Management Training and Certification Program for a secondary source of income or as career path.

Ovarian Cyst Treatment - Which is the Best Ovarian Cyst Treatment?


One of the most common problems that almost every woman today faces is cysts in ovaries. This problem is something of an issue and every woman should know about it and its various different treatment ways. Not only because of how frequently it occurs but also because of how big a problem it can cause. Even in the best of cases, ovarian cysts are painful, irritating and cause many kinds of hormonal imbalances as well as sore body parts. The up side however is that most of these cysts end by themselves and do not require any ovarian cyst treatment, however those who do need it are to be treated with caution and the utmost urgency. Since there is no way to prevent a cyst from developing, the only thing that a woman who has developed it is treat it.

There are many ways of ovarian cyst treatment and all of the ways have their advantages and disadvantages. The first but perhaps the most ineffective of ways is the conventional method of ovarian cyst treatment, the prescribing of pills by a doctor so as to decrease the pain and irritation while also trying to fight the cyst. Even though the drugs are very effective in actually ending the painful aspect of the cysts, they are usually unable to actually end the cyst or even be successful in influencing it in any way. What this leads to is a false sense of assurance and security that you get due to the decrease in the pain however since the medication is not effecting the cyst, it can actually increase in size during that time.

Surgery is the second way of treating cysts and even though they tend to be risky and expensive ovarian cyst treatment they help the patient recover quickly.

Natural ways are most preferable of ovarian cyst treatment in this sense as they not only decrease the pain but also fight the pain and are not only the cheapest way but also the least risky and with the least side affects.

Can you Cure Cysts On Your Ovaries NATURALLY? YES, you can. Best part is, you can get rid of ovarian cysts without drugs, side-effects...and without surgery.

Discovery How Thousands Of Women Worldwide Instantly Relieve Their Constant Pain And Started Shrinking Their Ovarian Cyst Within 3 Days, Eliminating Them Completely Within 8 Short Weeks, All Without Ever Using Risky Drugs or Resorting To Surgery...Guaranteed!

Natural Ovarian Cyst Relief Secrets Revealed The Only Natural System In Existence That Will Teach You How To INSTANTLY Relieve Intense Pain And Quickly Achieve LASTING Ovarian Cyst Freedom! Click to Cyst Treatment Now!


Treatment For Ovarian Cysts - Why You Should Take Control of Your Own Body

Thursday, October 28, 2010 1 comments

I am very close to my daughter and so it was quite worrying when she rang me in tears, saying that she was at the end of her tether regarding her treatment for ovarian cysts. She had previously brushed the problem aside, whenever I spoke to her, but apparently she was in a lot of pain for most of the time and sometimes it was so bad she had to take time off work. Also she felt she was not getting any support from her husband who just put it down as "women's problems" and advised her to take a painkiller.

I took it upon myself to do a little research on the internet to find out what treatment other women were being given. After hanging about in various forums, it was disturbing to find that the majority of women were all being prescribed hormone or birth control pills and told to sit back and wait for a couple of months. A definite pattern was evolving whereby women were being used almost as laboratory guinea pigs for various types of hormone pills and painkillers and it was disturbing that in a vast amount of cases, their cysts simply grew to such a size that their doctor then started suggesting surgery as the only available treatment. I also discovered that many women were scared that their ovaries would become damaged and ruin their chances in the future of getting pregnant.

After scouring many forums and websites relating to the treatment of ovarian cysts, I was excited to find that women were reporting natural treatments and remedies that they could do themselves at home, which were proving to be effective both in relieving the pain from their ovarian cysts, and in many cases shrinking them away altogether. There were also good indications that the cysts were staying away for good, which unfortunately cannot even be guaranteed after surgical removal.

Apparently cysts are thought to be caused by an imbalance of hormones and quite often an insulin resistance and this is one of the reasons that doctors tend to prescribe birth control pills, because if a woman is not ovulating, then the cysts do not form. One very effective method to balance the hormones is by taking natural progesterone. This has the effect of counter balancing the dominant hormone estrogen, which is causing all the problems. Once the menstrual cycle is bought back into balance and periods become regular again, ovarian cysts cease to be a problem. Whilst a woman is taking progesterone she would also be well advised to drink plenty of water, at least 8 glasses a day, to flush out all the toxins in the body, which help to create an atmosphere in which cysts like to grow. Herbal teas, such as chamomile, are also a useful addition, since they have calming and soothing powers which all help with the treatment for ovarian cysts.

Your body is too precious to be used for testing out different contraceptive pills and painkillers. Why sit back and wait for your cyst to grow to mammoth proportions, when you can nip it in the bud right now, by taking control of your own body. Natural treatments worked wonders for the women in the forums and they could work for you.

So many women are led to believe that medication or surgery are the only options, but believe me when I tell you that natural treatment for ovarian cysts can and does work. You no longer have to live with the pain, bloated stomach and feeling of nausea that are all symptoms of an ovarian cyst. Instead you can learn the remedies you can implement yourself to successfully shrink the cyst and prevent it from ever coming back simply by visiting

Symptoms of Ovarian Cysts - How to Overcome Ovarian Cysts


Ask yourself this question; could I possibly be suffering from ovarian cysts? All women are at risk to experience ovarian cysts at some point during their life. The majority of women don't even realize its happening because they are not experiencing any of the symptoms. On the other hand there are many women who are unfortunate enough to be well aware of the pain associated with ovarian cysts and experience a variety of the awful symptoms. These symptoms of ovarian cysts can cause an era of misery in a woman's life and should be dealt with as quickly as possible to prevent the problem from growing any worse. On the upside of things it is a relief to know that there is a natural remedy to treat the cysts and keep them from returning.

One with Ovarian cysts may experience a wide range of different symptoms including ;

Non-menstrual bleeding- Bleeding occurring while not dealing with the menstrual cycle is generally a sure sign of ovarian cysts. This usually indicates a rupture in the cyst which in turn leads to inevitable bursting.

Pain within the pelvic region- Another sure sign of a cyst bursting. One should not mistake this type of pain with menstrual cramps for this pain is far more severe and will last much longer.

Abnormal periods- This could very well be a symptom of the rupture to a cyst. Despite abnormalities occur during normal periods. Those associated with ovarian cysts will be more extreme in nature. The flow could turn from light to heavy without any warning and could bring about an extreme gain of weight.

Nausea and vomiting- If the problem persists it very well could be yet another symptom of the bursting of a cyst. Do not disregard this condition if the problem does not go away on its own within a few days.

Frequent urination- Some may feel that no matter how often they relieve themselves that their bladder still feels full. With the bursting of a cyst it could create pressure on the bladder resulting in the urge to use the bathroom even on an empty bladder.

The majority of cysts will die away naturally and as a result medical assistance is not always the best option to get rid of the cysts. But most women are not going to just let the problem get worse, they are going to want some way to treat the cysts and keep them from making a comeback into their lives. These cysts are quite painful and develop for all sorts of different reasons such as hormonal or insulin imbalance.

That's why the natural remedy option works so amazingly for women dealing with ovarian cysts. This natural cure is focused on attacking the root cause of the cysts and getting things under control so that the woman no longer has to suffer.

Changing one's diet is a great way to start overcoming ovarian cysts. The more natural, organic foods you feed your body, gives it more fighting power against the cysts. Drinking herbal teas and lots of water are one of the best known ways to filter all the yuckies out of the body. This will make an excellent first step into the natural treatment of the cysts. One of the best ways to reduce abdominal pain caused by the cysts would be to use a heating pad over the stomach. Try a few relaxation exercises and keep the stress down to minimum. It all depends what will work best for you, everyone's symptoms of ovarian cysts will vary from woman to woman. These methods can help against the pain and even prevent cysts from developing in the future.

My name is Sharon Edwards and I am a former sufferer of Ovarian cysts. I went to the doctor plenty of times before I discovered the natural way to treat the Symptoms Of Ovarian Cysts and keep them from ever coming back. Just Imagine how much better life would be with out the pain and suffering of ovarian cysts. To take a look at what worked for me visit

Life is what you make it, stay positive and moving forward.
Peace & Love,

Female Infertility and Ovarian Cyst Symptoms


There are different kinds of infertility experienced by women and the causes of infertility in women are also many and varied. As 40-50% of all infertility cases are caused by female infertility factors, there is a need to examine the causes behind it. One of the most important causes of female infertility is age. Typically, when a woman is born, over 400,000 eggs are present in each ovary. This quantity decreases over time and this continues till a woman reaches 50 years. At this age, menstruation stops and the menopause period starts. In this article, we are going to explore the effects and diagnosis of ovarian problems.

According to various studies done on this subject, the first marked decrease in fertility is noticed around the age of twenty seven, with a clear indication at the age of 35. The reason behind this is that over time both the quality and quantity of eggs seems to decrease. In case of a child being conceived at this time, there is a danger of chromosomal abnormalities being present in the child. Hence, it is absolutely essential for women to start infertility treatment as soon as possible in order to ensure a higher degree of success as well as to prevent chromosomal abnormalities from being present in their child. For women who are above the age of 44, it might not be possible to conceive naturally without the aid of donor eggs.

One of the most important parts in the female reproductive system is the ovaries. Every month, one of the two ovaries that are present produces an egg which slowly develops in a sack that is filled with a fluid which is known as a follicle. When the egg is ready, it is transported with the help of fallopian tubes to initiate the fertilization process. The ovaries also produce progesterone and estrogen. The hormones produced in the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland along with the hormones produced by the ovaries is responsible for regulating the ovulation and also the menstrual cycle. According to reports, approximately 25% of all female infertility cases occur because of irregular ovulation as any problems or irregularities in the ovulation process make the fertilization process harder. Ovarian problems can occur due to either hormonal imbalances or conditions such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.

For women who suffer from irregular menstrual cycles, it is necessary to get some hormonal evaluations done. The testing for hormones that are responsible for menopause such as FSH and estradiol, testing of testosterone levels and prolactin and for thyroid hormone or TSH are done. Then the hormones which are imbalanced and are the cause of problems are determined and the necessary treatment is given.

There is no single way of infertility treatment. There are different methods of treatment available and depending on the health of the patient, the age and family history, a detailed study is performed and a preferable mode is determined. Multiple treatments can also be done if needed and even surgeries are performed to correct certain abnormalities.

Karol Cardinson is a Health specialist with over 20 years in Diet and Nutrition Research as well as a former Infertility sufferer and can help you with getting pregnant sooner and naturally. Find out how to reverse Female and Male Infertility naturally while improving the quality of your life! For more information go to Infertility Solutions Online

Diagnosing Ovarian Cancer


While this article focuses on ovarian cancer, it is important to realize that with any health problem the diagnosis is more important than the treatment. This is because a correct diagnosis can help determine the correct course of treatment.

When it comes to ovarian cancer, it is especially important that you get an early diagnosis. Often an early diagnosis is key in providing you with enough time to allow your treatment to work. As with other life threatening illness it is important that you get ovarian cancer diagnosed as early as possible.

In modern times, everything seems like it is possible and many of us wonder why people are still dying from diseases. However, modern medicine still doesn't promise that people will be completely free of malignant health problems.

Ovarian cancer is a good example since it affects women from the age of 45-60 and is considered deadly, simply, because it is a member of the cancer family. Women cannot escape the possibility of getting cancer. This is why it is important to consider how you can avoid ovarian cancer through proper awareness of the disease.

Being aware of ovarian cancer means that you are conscious of the symptoms and signs associated with the disease so that you can respond quickly before it can develop into an advanced stage. Ovarian cancer has no definitive signs, but you can try to diagnose ovarian cancer early through a series of radiology tests, a CT scan or an MRI.

However, even with these tests ovarian cancer may not be seen immediately. Exploratory surgery is often recommended in which a surgeon will get a tissue sample from within your body to confirm radiology scans.

Through these exploratory tests, patients can feel a level of pain. This is because with a biopsy a piece of flesh is taking from your body in order to determine if cancer cells are present. This is the most accurate and easiest way to diagnose and perform necessary tests associated with many cancers.

Sometimes a patient can even get results within a few hours. However, it is recommended that a woman take a blood test before resulting to the extreme of an operation. This is because a simple blood test can show if there is a protein tumor marker in the blood. It is always best to have a blood test done before you undergo any major testing.

If cancer cells are found in a patient's body then a doctor will do what they can to remove as many of the cancer cells as possible. After this, the patient may need to undergo regular treatment to prevent the cancer from growing and spreading to other areas of the body.

The doctors never take this issue for granted since no one can completely guarantee that cancer cells won't re-grow and continue to spread in a patient's body. It is important to have cancer diagnosed early so that an experienced doctor can apply correct treatment. Nothing can treat ovarian cancer if it is diagnosed too late.

Being diagnosed with ovarian cancer is the best thing you can do before starting treatment. After diagnosis, a doctor can provide further treatments including medicines and other life-long remedies to help. This is why it is important for every woman to be aware of the possibility that their body is susceptible to cancer as a result of aging and overworking.

Ovarian cancer diagnosis is truly difficult and some think it's final. You have to know that Knife Is Not Your Only Option, Chemo Is Not The Best Treatment.

Your mindset plays a huge role in behavior of your body. To find out more please follow this link: to Recommended Reading section.

To Change Your Life Now - read "Natural Cancer Treatments That Work"!

Symptoms of Ruptured Ovarian Cysts - Why You May Be In Danger

Wednesday, October 27, 2010 0 comments

Having a cyst on your ovary burst can be a scary thought, but just how harmful can ruptured ovarian cysts really be, how do they happen and how would you know if you had one?

What causes them to rupture?

Ruptured ovarian cysts can happen 2 ways

As part of the natural process - the cyst just gets too big and bursts,
Through physical trauma - like intercourse, activity or childbirth.

Symptoms and Diagnosis Problems

Of all the ovarian cyst symptoms, ruptured ovarian cysts are most commonly mistaken for other problems. If these are not correctly diagnosed and dealt with then the risk major problems caused by infection or further complications with future cysts increases.

If a cyst that is less than 3cm bursts chances are that there will be no symptoms and that the fluid will just reabsorb back into the body with little or no harm done.

Unfortunately cysts that burst that are larger than this are easily misdiagnosed because their symptoms are so similar to two other medical conditions that even trained medical practitioners often get it wrong.

Surprisingly, one of the most common assumptions that you may make when feeling the ovarian cyst symptoms is that you are pregnant.

For some women who are trying to get pregnant, there is an irregular period involved, sometimes lighter than normal, sometimes much heavier. There is also a twinge or pain in the abdominal area.

To confuse things even further other symptoms of ruptured ovarian cysts can include vomiting, breast tenderness, the feeling of abdominal fullness and in severe cases dizziness, fainting and nausea. These are very typically associated with early pregnancy in most women.

These combined with the twinges and different period can lead you to assume that you are just suffering from normal symptoms associated with early pregnancy and you may not seek treatment.

The other condition that is commonly confused with ruptured ovarian cysts is appendicitis.

This is when the appendix is about to or already has burst. The pain associated with the two conditions is very similar and even a medical professional may not be able to tell the difference. Once again, if you are a healthy woman who has never had this kind of pain before, the confusion is natural.

In either case, if you experience any of these symptoms you need to been seen by a doctor.

If you experience severe pain especially if it is accompanied by dizziness, nausea and tenderness around the abdomen then you need to get to an emergency department as soon as possible. You may have internal bleeding and this needs to be stopped as soon as possible.

Uncommon Symptoms of Ruptured Ovarian Cysts

Aside from feeling abdominal pain and having irregular periods, there are other symptoms that may indicate that your cyst has burst;

unusual gas and indigestion.
loss of appetite
frequent urination
unusually high or low blood pressure

These subtle changes may mean that you have got an infection as a result of the contents of your cyst infecting other parts of your urinary and digestive tracts.

Preventing ruptured ovarian cysts

Unfortunately there is no way to prevent your cyst from bursting aside from being gentle with your body. While modern medicine does not fully understand what causes cysts on the ovaries the usual treatment is to monitor the growth until it either shrinks by itself or gets to a point where surgical removal is required.

However there are many gentle and safe alternative natural therapies that have been proven to not only shrink your cyst within weeks, but that will also prevent your cysts from returning permanently, thus massively reducing the chances of you suffering from the symptoms of ruptured ovarian cysts.

If you want to know a simple, natural and effective treatment to prevent ruptured ovarian cysts and permanently stop your cysts returning go to Natural Cure for Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian cyst problems and Natural remedies that help

If you are not familiar with ovarian cysts; they are full of liquid at the bottom of the agreement and of your ovaries sacs. They occur during Ovulation usually get ready for the release of the egg and the ovaries, such as the follicle, which develops breaks open. This will free up the egg and fluid. However, when cannot open just follicle can cause painful Cyst, ovaries. Pain causes shall be:
* Cyst page breaks
* Haemorrhage
* Other surfaces face pressure
* Fallopian tube becomes twisted
The pain is severe and can kill.It's not as bad, there are many women who has visited the State of emergency.Also, when you really do not care, but will only transfer the settings that have the power to relieve the pain. because this is a problem with people have begun to natural remedies to get rid of ovarian cysts are searched for a long period of time.
Early signs and symptoms
In some cases, women may have ovarian cysts and not even realize it. again some problems can then other aspects such as; endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy and ovarian cancer. it is recommended that you always, that you have a review, but if you have one of these issues are important to get one immediately:
* Intercourse pain
* Menstrual period pain
* Tender breasts
* Abdominal pain, extending the legs
* Your abdomen feels heavy
* Nausea
* The pressure in the rectum of bovine animals of all ages
Is sought have been carried out,
It does not matter if you are only dealing with one of these problems, schedule an appointment with your OB GYN-it is important They typically begins with in its entirety. pelvic exam, which includes the PAP smear. If you are not familiar with those they are used to recognise the endometriosis or rotissa things.If you want to get accurate diagnosis, shall be adopted in accordance with the ultra sound.In this case, you can see how much is inside to ovarian Cyst.
Traditional Treatments
Is ready to take the time to listen to a diagnosis is made available to the processes.Keep in mind that these are not going to include natural remedies for All you hear is going to be. is your doctor has been explained in the years of traditional treatments. during the operation depends on the size of the Cyst, but the most common is usually the birth control pills.This will help to regulate the menstrual cycle.Unfortunately, this is a short term solution and natural alarm system actually shut down When the basic functions of the system of forest reproductive material. interfere with, is never good.
Other alternatives are, but if they do not work for the next cropping. It should have been made to the laparoscopy or Explorative laparoscopy. It is definitely tempting, because you are dealing with severe pain, but it is good to have them grow again again Then you are entitled to. back to the original problem and have to go through it again.
Just out the problem
At any time you can take a look at the world in close medical treatments, traditional access to the root of the problem seem to never.Ovarian Cyst problems if there is no difference and find out what causes it, it will not be able to really work with.The latter shall treat the symptoms of the problem rather than the actual cannot continue.
The natural right to Ovarian cyst
If you are using natural treatment must go to process.This is something that works inside-out rather than in any other way. the only way to fix a problem is by starting the treatment in the same location as the Ovarian Cyst becomes a problem. "is to start on the inside.
What does so from your natural right to
The main advantage is likely to expect a natural remedy is fast results. it only takes weeks standard pain and other complications from cysts. Tietoliikenneprotokollat natural remedy allows you to:
* Pain relief
* Unwanted hair loss
* Regular menstrual cycles
* The possibility to get pregnant
* Pain free sex
* Not breast tenderness
* Hormones, which are in balance
* Tonnes more!
Anyone dealing with ovarian cysts is a good idea to know these cannot be neglected., they lead to problems found in itself, as well as many other issues. you surely shall be adopted in accordance with the plethora of treatment options, but you should consider a natural remedy during any of them.
There is no need to waste your time and processes that do not work in the long term. make sure that you start to feel better, but it is almost always temporary. Here the idea is to provide a permanent body required for admission free of import duties and traditional options will not work If you want to enjoy pain. leave periods, not the mood swings and regulated system of forest reproductive material, it is time to start thinking outside. it is something that is easy to obtain and globally, women have found that much of the ovarian Cyst problems relief from import duties.

You can click to go to Emily's Stop Ovarian cyst site Ovarian cyst remedies.

Ovarian Cysts Natural Remedies - 4 Simple Ways to Get Rid of Ovarian Cysts Naturally


The formation of ovarian cysts in women is common, especially during their reproductive years. Although these cysts are harmless and not contagious, they tend to be annoying and sometimes painful. Most women prefer ovarian cysts natural remedies to get relief from the condition since conventional medicine is not known to offer permanent cure. A combination of various factors including the remedies, diet and exercise is known to be effective in getting rid of the problem. The following are some of the top ovarian cysts natural remedies that can help you find permanent relief from the problem.

1. Aromatherapy using essential oils has been known to the one of the most effective of all ovarian cysts natural remedies. Concentrated essential oils which are extracted directly from plants are known to be highly effective in finding relief from the condition. A mixture of the essential oils of geranium, jasmine and clary sage when inhaled is known to be an effective antidote.

2. Among the most important, but often neglected, ovarian cyst natural remedies is your diet. You should keep a close watch on what you eat. For example, you should avoid caffeine, alcohol and carbonated beverages. You need to make sure that you include plenty of green leafy vegetables. You should also include generous servings of fresh fruits as part of your diet. Generally speaking you should consume food that is rich in vitamin E and vitamin C.

3. Stress is known to be a causative factor in the formation of ovarian cyst. Stress reduction is among the most important of all ovarian cysts natural remedies. Meditation is one way of reducing excess levels of stress. Taking up a hobby is another way to divert the mind from unwanted tension and worries.

4. Among other effective ovarian cyst natural remedies include raspberry and herbal teas that can give relief from pain, one of the common symptoms of ovarian cysts.

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Ovarian Cysts, and a common operational understanding of the complexity of the risks

Many women who suffer from munasarjasta Cyst or ovarian Cyst symptoms, Find yourself a lot of complexity and noticeable side effects rather than the actual cause of the condition itself. Although this is normal, because the ovarian cysts themselves cause many problems, the actual cause of the cysts look will continue to be a more in-depth understanding of the subject, and without the many of the potential risks and complexity.
What are Ovarian Cysts?
Formed, ovarian cysts within munasarjasta are really individual sacs full of liquid.They measure the greater than 2 cm shall be authorized, in accordance with the formal definition of ovarian Cyst. All cysts, munasarjasta cause problems, as many have actually functional, that is, they begin to Break apart in the form of, but before the completion of the Ovarian cysts. complications depends to a large extent on factors such as the Cyst and enabled for the actual type.
A non-exhaustive list of potential complications-ovarian cysts may include:
-Cancer: because of the very few cases, cysts, ovaries can become malignant, or cancerous, requiring specialized treatment involving surgery to remove onkologian vulnerability munasarjasta.
-Sterility: the number of cysts and munasarjasta fault, depending on the type of infertility can be either permanently or only temporarily.Woman who designs, having family, the presence of ovarian cysts should be taken very seriously before condition cause lasting damage delicate ovaries.
-Peritonitis: inflammation of the mucous membrane filters inside the abdominal cavity to click, is called Peritonitis, which causes severe pain and as a host of other serious problems, the mountain of the part may be life threatening if not treated.
-Ovarian cysts Muodonmuutoksista: one of the most serious problems are muodonmuutoksista, which could lead to bleeding internally, create a potentially hemorrhaging and that require medical attention as soon as possible.
-Torsion: Torsion or deformation, may occur, causing ovaries twist and possibly blood supply, which could lead to problems such as necrosis, which in the event of the death and cause serious munasarjasta conditions, including septic against shock and severe inflammation of the skin.
Complications of the previous list, in order to supplement the cysts, munasarjasta may also lead to other problems, such as substances having a hormonal imbalance, and severe pain. Both these physical aftereffects of ovarian cysts are also can affect one mentally and emotionally. Unfortunately, for many women, modern conventional medicine granted only infrequently and mental health effects that these cysts may cause and treatment options in order to achieve as a host generally negative side effects such as weight gain, and a larger cysts reoccurrence of infertility.
To overcome the effects of ovarian cysts numerous sick is a comprehensive approach to this comprehensive means of obtaining a good account of the actual root of the problem is rather that any problems resulting from the processing of. While it is true that the benefits from the symptoms of a sense of relief at the time, however, that this exemption is hidden the fact that the real problem still exists. an integrated approach are cysts themselves treated in this way, but also to eliminate the risk of future problems, the cause.

Munasarjasta Cyst experiences frightening thing. Munasarjasta Cyst treatment and prevention of natural ways. For more information please click

Removal of Ovarian Cysts Vs Natural Treatment For Ovarian Cysts

Tuesday, October 26, 2010 0 comments

If you suffer from ovarian cysts no one may have told you that you can usually end these problems naturally and without all of the side problems that medical procedures might cause.

What Are Ovarian Cysts?

Before discussing removal of the cysts, let's look at what one is. A cyst is closed sack that develops abnormally in some part of the body: usually the cyst is fluid filled. An ovarian cyst then is one that is attached to the ovaries. These often form during child bearing years and sometimes come with no symptoms - you learn from your doctor during an exam. Other women may experience various types of pain and symptoms for the same cyst. That said, be aware that there are many kinds of cysts, each with its own symptoms and possible complications.

Medical Removal

If you've been diagnosed with ovarian cysts you may be only looking at medical procedures like surgery. Surgery is an expensive invasive procedure that may cause infection and internal bleeding. Doctors may also recommend birth control pills because they block the hormones that help form the cysts. Birth control pills can have a wide ranging set of side effects when used over time. These methods cannot guarantee that more cysts won't develop in the future. So what is the answer?

Natural Treatment For Ovarian Cysts

There are natural methods that can get rid of ovarian cysts. But going back a bit, prevention is the real key and it comes down to a healthier lifestyle - a life style that has worked for others in preventing and even reducing and eliminating these cysts. In about 20 minutes you can do things that will begin the process. 20 minutes is all it takes to start reducing the pain, swelling and the pressure in the lower pelvic area. At the end of it all you will also feel better and be healthier.

On the same theme, cysts develop because the natural biological balance in the body has been upset. Often it is out of balance hormones or insulin levels that cause the cycles of repeating ovarian cysts that many women develop. This is why prevention should be your focus. The very things that help prevent ovarian cysts will also begin to eliminate them. This can sometimes be so simple as reducing sugar and other empty carbohydrates and increasing the amount of fiber in your diet: an apple a day anyone?

Many women face worse health problems because they underwent surgery or used birth control pills to try to get rid of the cysts and the cysts returned or just got bigger. Health problems increased because the root cause of the cysts was not addressed.

The great thing about treating the cysts naturally is you get to keep your ovaries and it is a long term solution. Hormones, stress and insulin imbalance are often the cause and lifestyle changes will help you get to health ovaries again.

I invite you to visit our website to learn more about natural treatment for ovarian cysts.

By changing lifestyle habits you can remove the need for repeated surgeries by eliminating the causes of ovarian cysts.

Natural approach for curing Ovarian Cysts

Chronic disease, ovarian cysts, is one who can make a woman's life, including not only his physical health, but also his mental and emotional toll that well is quite high. Often the problem can kill normal approach is not raised by the private individuals and to provide more and more women are looking for ways to deal with the condition in the wild and integrated level led to the problem of true cure.
Natural Cures high importance
Natural remedies are available in a wide range of diseases, the oldest of conditions and diseases. in many parts of the world still widely used natural remedies, today in which the inhabitants of modern and traditional medicine eschew a centuries-old methods. The reasons why the natural treatments are conventional medicine, a much better option is numerous and include:
1. Expensive: is certainly not a secret, conventional medicine that comes with the high price, especially when it comes to delicate gynecological issues such as ovarian cysts. Expensive surgical procedures complementary to those of the costs for the prescription of lifestyle-and also to consider also testing.On the other hand, natural remedies, is much cheaper compared to and may be more than enough for most.
2. Material: many women in the contend, modern medicine, which tends to look at the problem as a whole instead of personal and individual level, the substantive approach used by the Working Party on legal data processing. If conventional medicine does not deal with the problem, the emphasis is not on the individual disease textbook description itself the woman but natural methods, in which each remedy and in the course of the procedure may vary depending on the circumstances give it a great success.
3. Inefficient: one of the biggest downfalls of the conventional medicine is that it provides only temporary relief with caution external problems instead of dealing with the cause of the problem they will appear in the first issue.When treatment is stopped, even after the cysts often returns and is immune to the surgery, the woman at an airport conditional upon obtaining the. in fact, recent research suggests that the ovarian cysts after surgery condition rather the resurgence of the common natural treatment provides long-term solution instead of merely temporary indicator.
4. side effects: so we do not yet know, even surgery might be the cause of the side effects of ovarian cysts. those who must be in their ovaries removed frequently go to experience other problems, hormonal imbalances that occurs because the host is also the birth control pills. also affects a woman's fertility, and of course, pregnant women will not be able to use any of the normal foetal medicine without a serious risk.Compared to the natural approach offers none of these possible side effects or complications, and many of them by highlighting the mind and one emotional power to immediate territory.
For these reasons, the natural approach is quite efficient ovarian cysts less serious types of treatment and with the natural treatments for. can also be used to keep any complications bay and keep the existing cysts from becoming larger or cause serious problems.However, these particular natural remedies are not allowed to ovarian cysts laattavalun really, you can do this, a comprehensive and multidimensional approach is necessary condition for success.
Holistic approach
A holistic approach to ovarian cysts is one of the substances, which is related to many aspects of. to this end, a holistic justice does not add any attention to one particular problem or another during processing, but on the other hand, operate on the basis of the actual root of the problem.
Comprehensive also are not limited to one, and contains more than one problem by using the body as a whole, in addition to these methods of identification adopted. shall be taken into account for each individual woman and his particular problems and the handling of health information by using all the rules, on the other hand, give him the treatment that seeks to promote deeper level is related to the mental and emotional wellbeing to supplement the physical health of the direct course.

Symptoms of Ovarian Cyst experiences frightening thing. Munasarjasta Cyst treatment and prevention of natural ways. For more information please click

The Ovarian Cysts Types - Symptoms And Diagnosis


The fluid-filled sac, which usually develops on the surface of an ovary, is a problem that affects many women. This is also called the ovarian cyst, and there are known a lot of different types, depending on the cause that provoked them. These ovarian cysts can show no symptoms at all, or they can cause serious health problems.

Situated on either side of the uterus, the ovaries have a walnut-size, and are nestled under the fringed ends of the fallopian or uterine tubes. During the menstrual cycle, an egg will be developed and matured by an ovary, and when the ovulation takes place, the egg is released and it travels through the uterine tubes to reach the center of the uterus.

Most of the ovarian cysts aren't dangerous, they are the so called functional cysts. Studies revealed that between 4% and 10% of the childbearing age women develop polycystic ovarian syndrome. The effects of that syndrome are infertility, increased risk of diabetes, uterine or breast cancer, excessive body hair, persistent acne, and other.

Ovarian cysts may cause pelvic pain, they may burst, bleed, or twist the ovary. Especially if the pain is associated with fever and vomiting, visiting the doctor is a necessary fact.

There are some ovarian cysts that can become cancerous. They appear especially at women who are in their fifth decade of life. It is known that cancerous cysts are not painful unless they are very big in size. It is recommended that women take annual pelvic exams, so they can detect cancer in early stages.

It is quite difficult to know if you have cysts or not, because many cysts don't have symptoms, and very often, vague abdominal symptoms may suggest other problems. For example, intestinal inflammation or obstruction, kidney stone, gall bladder disease or appendicitis develop similar symptoms to painful ovarian cysts. There are some gynecologic problems with those symptoms too: endometriosis, ectopic or tubal pregnancy, pelvic inflammatory disease, and also mittleschmirtz.

Generally, a few symptoms that can be associated to the ovarian cysts are: pelvic pain during intercourse, feeling of pressure on your bladder or rectum, menstrual irregularities, breast tenderness, nausea, pelvic pain just before your period begins or just after it ends, continuous, creamy or clear-like-eggwhite vaginal discharge that persists unchanged for a month or more. If you have any of these symptoms, especially associated with fever, signs of shock, or vomiting, medical assistance is needed.

Functional cysts compile the more usual category of cysts, they are non-pathogenic, and usually they disappear after ovulation. Sometimes, there is a blemish and the cyst may stay a little longer.

There are two types of functional cysts: follicular, and corpus luteum cyst.

Usually, when the egg is matured, it is released from the follicle, and is traveling through the fallopian tube, where a sperm cell might fertilize it .If the follicle doesn't rupture, it will grow, becoming a cyst. These cysts usually do not cause pain, and disappear in two or three menstrual cycles.

When the pituitary gland is increasing the luteinizing hormone, and the egg is released, the follicle becomes a temporary secretory gland called the corpus luteum. It might happen the corpus luteum to enlarge as a cause of certain accumulations, and become a cyst, but it will disappear after a few weeks. In very rare situations, a corpus luteum cyst can reach the size of three or four inches in diameter and twist your ovary or bleed into itself, causing abdominal pain.

Dermoid cysts are small, and they usually do not cause symptoms. They can contain different tissues, but mostly are fat .Becoming large, causing rupture and pain is a rare thing at these cysts.

Endometrioma appears when the ovary is invaded by the endometrial tissue. This cyst fills with blood, and has a dark, reddish-brown color. It is also called chocolate cyst. It doesn't show any symptoms usually, but it can be sometimes painful, especially during intercourse, or during your period.

The cysts that form from cells on the surface of the ovary are called cystadenomas and are usual benign. Sometimes they can become large, and cause pain.

The polycystic ovary is particular to women who don't ovulate on a regular basis. The ovaries contain many small cysts, and are enlarged. There are known many causes that can cause a woman not to ovulate and develop polycystic ovaries.

Ovarian cysts can be discovered by taking some medical examinations. A pelvic exam supposes the doctor palpating your ovaries, and if there exists the suspicion of a cyst, you will have next a pelvic ultrasound exam. During that exam, sound waves are transmitted to your pelvic area, and on a video screen appears the image of your ovaries. The doctor is analyzing that imagine, trying to determine the nature of the cyst.

The doctor can also perform laparoscopy, which is a surgical procedure consisting in a small cut, through which is inserted a thin, lighted telescope into your abdomen. This method can be used for diagnosis and for treatment also.

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Ovarian Cysts and Conception


Concerns regarding ovarian cysts and conception are justified. Many women who suffer from the cysts cannot conceive and have a baby. For women who really want a family, the diagnosis can be totally devastating, and then the questions begin to haunt every free thought. Why am I suffering from ovarian cysts and conception issues? Do I have any treatment options?

If you suffer from ovarian cysts and conception problems, you are not alone; nor is your fate sealed. Ovarian cysts are actually quite common and successful treatment is possible.

Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian cysts can adversely affect conception in two different ways:

The egg cannot be released
The egg cannot attach to the uterine wall after fertilization

More often than not, ovarian cysts are benign. In fact, many women have had one or more in a lifetime without even knowing they are present. Cysts often resolve themselves in a month or two, without detection.

Problems are detected when the ovarian cysts prevent conception, become painful, or burst. Then, endometriosis is generally diagnosed, and the doctor will recommend a course of treatment to address other health concerns and relieve the pain and discomfort.

If you need treatment for ovarian cysts or endometriosis, you will want to carefully consider 3 options:

Hormone therapy:

Cysts are often caused by an excess amount of estrogen and progesterone. The growths actually feed on the hormones that are meant to support a fertilized egg. Unfortunately, as the cysts continue to grow larger, they also become more painful. So, birth control pills are often prescribed to regulate hormone levels. But, it means no babies in the duration.


Invasive treatment is usually a last resort. Surgery always has inherent risks, and even if the ovarian cysts are removed, scar tissue can still prevent conception. However, if a cyst bursts and causes irregular bleeding, it may be necessary.

Holistic therapy:

Because the first two options can adversely affect the possibility of conception, many women are choosing holistic treatment as the first line of defense against ovarian cysts. Countless testimonials confess to the absence of cysts within two months of taking this natural approach, with no subsequent recurrence; and many women have children to attest to their successful results.

Now, it is up to you. If you are having uncontrolled bleeding, not related to a normal menstrual cycle, or other severe symptoms, you may need to seek more aggressive treatment. However, if you can give the natural approach time to work, you will feel healthier and the absent cysts are much less likely to return.

It is your body, your health, and your decision on how to treat ovarian cysts and deal with your conception problems, but the holistic approach is definitely one which should be given serious consideration.

If you would like to get more information about how to get rid of your ovarian cysts naturally, and for good, go to where you can subscribe to our FREE email mini course.

Ovarian Cysts and pregnancy link be exposed

Ovarian cysts and occur in conjunction with the pregnancy may seem a very alarmed many women. It is important to bear in mind that the cysts are common during pregnancy. Many pregnant women only to terms at and read both ovarian cysts, and pregnancy. It is difficult to feel relaxed vastatusten woman is pregnancy and at the same time. ovarian cysts But the tension and stress, use of data, could be of concern only to do more harm than good is expected to be the mother and the unborn child. So it is appropriate to stop worrying and seek treatment without delay. Pregnancy in and of itself is an advanced scenario, and the presence of ovarian cysts only more complicated. Hours of the pregnant woman with ovarian cysts, there is a need for a proper understanding of the nature of the cysts and clients to perform a restore.
Any complications ovarian cysts
Ovarian cysts during pregnancy can be either benign or malignant. Benign cysts cause minimal threat during pregnancy and often ignored. On the other hand, malignant ovarian cysts performs a lot of risks and a serious threat to the stage during pregnancy. The first step is therefore to determine the correct cysts, that is a true nature. Is mainly on the basis of the nature and extent of the cysts and severity of the condition that the treatment plan is specified. Although some cysts often be cured without medical or surgical operations, most of the other types of treatment plan is appropriate.It is important to follow closely the ovarian cysts rupture as possible to avoid during pregnancy because of the complexity of the ovarian cysts. difficulties may arise suddenly despite regular monitoring. Although not found benign cysts, take extra care during pregnancy and in a safe manner.
Let's face it, ovarian cysts and pregnancy dangerous combination. It requires urgent medical and should be disregarded.Ovarian cysts known complications during pregnancy, responsible for including miscarriages.A larger cysts cause larger and more serious problems with your doctor. and immediately launch the best treatment in the form of. This is to ensure that you have a healthy and free pregnancy problems. Many excellent treatment options is available today.
Ovarian cysts during pregnancy is different to the usual course of treatment. Some drugs and Medication use typical times may be considered for the unborn child of dangerous substances. Pregnant patient is therefore strongly reported over the counter drugs will abstain, especially painkillers purchases.Some other conventional options may also be available.Pregnancy status block many conventional medical treatment by usual. Ovarian cysts surgery is such impossibility during this time. Therefore, it is advisable to always be regarded as a natural alternative forms of treatment to help cure ovarian cysts without a standard risks during pregnancy the conventional mainstream treatment. one of the best ways to solve the problem by taking an integrated approach is applied. Due to the intrinsic safe properties because of the global approach may prove very useful substances during pregnancy cause not to threaten to ovarian cysts. Other advantages:
o Holistic approach is the second reading, a pregnant woman is not in a position to provide the safest and the most benign status. it may start at any stage of pregnancy and patients can always present a danger to the other without the knowledge of him or the unborn child.
o Holistic approach to fix the problem with the grass root level and this ensures that the problem does not occur again at a later time. This is where more than conventional medical treatment aimed only to eradicate the problem symptoms laattavalun without an integrated approach to the root of the makes. This leaves the patient attacks a vulnerability and is always a risk that the condition will appear again in the future.A comprehensive approach includes not only ovarian cysts from import duties during pregnancy.It goes much further, and in fact a good problem from tanning extracts of vegetable origin.
o Holistic approach by natural techniques that are very effective and incredibly effective, yet mild and benign uses the human body.This means aggressive techniques and use typical forms processing ankara medication dramatically departs.A holistic approach to multifunctional provides several ways of treatment instead of remaining stuck together with dogma. roaring success in the end this is to ensure.
o Add any complications that may occur during pregnancy, by the adoption of an integrated approach to effectively avoid. Ovarian cysts may rupture and lead to a rapid deterioration condition.A holistic approach to keeping one WINS these threats and prevent the development of the condition under the supervision of any complications. this safe and uneventful during pregnancy, although the woman is ovarian cysts.
Also a holistic approach to emotional level and can help reduce stress and anxiety, which usually was most women during pregnancy the integrated practitioner works often such as counselor who can help free up your own is over rest, tension, reduce your stress and delete your own doubts. you may be amazed to find a new level of confidence and vigor, which allows you to enjoy your pregnancy while getting my ovarian cysts-cured at the same time.
Use the selected comprehensive health-care professional advice you can work on a particular case ovarian cysts and pregnancy does not stay the best course of action., if you are pregnant and you know that ovarian cysts? Start processing today to avoid risks to initiate recovery quickly and head for.

Mary Parker is a medical researcher, nutritionist, health consultant and author of the # 1 best-selling e-book, "Ovarian Cysts no more Secrets Of curing Ovarian Cysts, undertake a comprehensive review of the" Mary has written dozens of articles a comprehensive health and has been featured ezines and print magazines, as well as hundreds of sites around the world.

To Learn More About Mary Parker's unique 3-step Holistic Ovarian Cysts Cure System visit: Ovarian Cysts.

Understanding Ovarian Cysts and the Best Treatments Available


Many women are scared when they hear anything about an ovarian cyst. This is because the pain is agonizing and the possibility of uterine cancer or another serious medical issue is present. The intense pain has left several women feeling as though they should just have their ovaries removed to alleviate the troublesome nights. Then of course when you add in the fear of something worse it could be catastrophic to everyday life. Unfortunately ovarian cysts are a very common problem when it comes to the reproductive organs. The goal is to stay healthy and find relief from the pain you constantly have to endure. Traditional medicines seem to only help the symptoms as opposed to the underlying problem. This is why natural remedies in this area are becoming more popular. However, before we get into that let's go over the signs and symptoms.

Menstruation Issues

If you're dealing with ovarian cysts you could begin to feel the pain 2 weeks before your regular menstrual cycle. Even though there are many reasons for the pain, the biggest part of it is being linked to ovulation. A follicle develops during normal ovulation, which releases the egg for fertilization. If by chance it fails to release the egg it becomes a cyst instead. This can become serious since it's possible that the cyst will rupture, bleed, or worse. In fact, it's even possible that it could cause distortion of the fallopian tubes. This only will bring monumental pain. How much will depend on the size of the cyst and the kind you have inside you.

Missed or Irregular Periods

If you missed a period or are having irregular ones it's possible that you're suffering from an ovarian cyst. If this is the case then the cysts are forming in or on the fallopian tubes. When they are present it interferes with the normal function of the reproductive organs. You may have to gauge this by seeing if your periods are normal for a period of time and then they are erratic all of the sudden.

Generalized Pain

Abdomen pain is one of the most common symptoms out there if you're dealing with an ovarian cyst. You could also endure pain in the lower back, vagina, or even the thighs. This is definitely noticeable because of the sharp and stabbing feeling. It is possible to have dull aches as well, but it will depend on the type, placement, and size of the cyst. It's something that can become intolerable, and if this happens it's possible that your cyst is bleeding, has burst, or is bending the fallopian tube. Your best bet is to see a doctor if any of this occurs.

General Symptoms

What it comes down to is there are many symptoms that develop because of ovarian cysts. There could be other issues as well, which is why it's important to get a solid diagnosis before going to the next step. Take a look below and see if you experience any of the following:

* Dull ache

* Bloating that comes and goes

* Pain during sexual intercourse

* Pressure on the rectum

* Pain during bowel movements

* Abnormal persistent pains in the pelvic region

Traditional or Natural?

We always recommend seeing a doctor to figure out if you do have an ovarian cyst. They will give you options, but don't be afraid to keep your choices open. The reason for this is the traditional methods are built around temporary relief, and sometimes those don't even work. If you do decide to take the doctor's recommendations then you will either be put on birth control pills or have to have surgery. Birth control pills are a reasonable option since it's supposed to regulate the reproductive system. It can help prevent ovarian cysts and the need for surgery. While it sounds great it hardly ever works. If you decide to have surgery then you will probably have to go back again since they will regrow.


When you bypass the traditional methods for a natural approach you're looking for the root of the problem. It's important to understand that internal problems are best solved from the inside-out. You can do this by eating the proper foods, exercising, and hydrating the body properly. Today you can find items at your grocery store that instantly break down the ovarian cysts. It's really too bad that people don't realize how easy it is to get relief by using a natural product.

If you look at the market today you will find a guide that is essential to ovarian cyst relief. Best of all it's been written by a woman who has suffered from painful cysts throughout her lifetime. In the beginning she was taking handfuls of painkillers (prescription), and did everything her physician told her to do. The end result was none at all. Thanks to this experience she became determined to find a naturally remedy that would get rid of her ovarian cysts once and for all. The discovery was a shocking one and everyone was amazed at how it could actually heal you.

You're about to learn the exact diet she used as a cyst treatment. It helps balance your system and prevent the reoccurrence of those painful ovarian cysts you're enduring today. When the body responds to something it is trying to tell you that something isn't right. This is why it's crucial for you to understand the causes so you can keep it from happening again. There is nothing better than getting advice from someone who has been in your shoes. When it's all said and done you will be able to enjoy life again, and refrain from crumpling in pain from an ovarian cyst.

Click Natural Ovarian Cysts Relief to go to Emily's Stop Ovarian Cyst website.

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Make the Right Decision For Your Health - Ovarian Cyst Laparotomy Vs Natural Treatment


If you're currently suffering with ovarian cysts, it may be of some comfort to know that you're not alone. Numerous women think that coping with ovarian cysts is part of being a woman and that this condition is something that they have to learn to live with, but this is simply not true. There are other others, which may or may not lead to surgery. It's unfortunate, but many women that have been treated by a doctor have reported that their cysts became worse.

Doctors commonly put their patients on birth control pills to treat cysts, but the body's estrogen level has nothing to do with the formation of cysts and causing the to grow larger when a new one forms. Using birth control for long periods of time is not recommended, not to mention what this so called treatment does to those women that want to have children. When doctors make the assessment that the birth control pills are not working, they often suggest surgery. If your doctor suggests surgery, you have to make sure that you know all the facts and take the time to compare ovarian cyst laparotomy vs. natural treatment. Since you've already suffered with pain, do you really want to undergo surgery when there is a better way to treat ovarian cysts?

You can use a natural treatment and achieve the results you want and need without all the pain, recovery time, and scars that are associated surgery. Surgery is usually not the best way to entirely solve the problem because it never addresses the root cause. The idea is to eliminate all the cysts that you currently have, but to also make sure they won't return. This is the only way you will be able to live a pain free life with no worries that are common when you have ovarian cysts.

If the better choice is obviously natural treatment methods when comparing ovarian cyst laparotomy vs natural treatment, why are doctors ignoring this treatment option? Really, it's all about the money. Because millions of women suffer from ovarian cysts, you can imagine all the surgeries, creams, and pills that these women are using. For the medical profession, this is big business. If all the women that are using these pills, cream, and surgeries were to discover that natural treatment is a better option, the companies would lose a great deal of money. This is a concern for many medical professionals, explaining why they aren't working very hard to find a solution. Most medical professionals would prefer to continue treating your current condition, knowing it will flare up again, allowing them to treat you yet again.

People really don't want to consider the possibility that their doctors aren't working to help them. Even if you don't believe this, you should still consider that there just might be a natural treatment option that your doctor doesn't know about. We need to remember that natural cures took care of just about every ailment before medicine became big business. It's been proven that the only reliable method of preventing ovarian cysts from returning s to remove the ovaries, so you may as well try a natural treatment. You aren't risking a thing when you try a natural treatment. However, you can trust in the fact that many women have tried this treatment method and had success. You will undoubtedly be amazed to learn that a natural treatment has been available all along that could have prevented the years of suffering you've experienced.

If you're still unable to decide, make a quick list of the pros and cons of each option you have. When you take the time to compare the ovarian cyst laparotomy vs natural treatment, you will quickly see which option is the best choice. No matter how you look at it, surgery will always be surgery, with risks associated with it. Surgery should always be your last resort. You don't want to jump into this without giving it some careful thought. If you think it is a quick fix, you are mistake. If you want to the root of the problem, you will need more than surgery. To get to the root cause of the problem, you will have to think outside the box and try a natural cure.

The worst thing that can happen when you try a natural treatment is that it doesn't work for you. However, because many women have noticed improvements in as little as one day, you will likely find that this is the best thing you have done for yourself. If for some strange reason you are the only woman on the face of the earth that it doesn't help, you can always go to your doctor's office and ask to be cut open. Even if you do this, you will find that surgery is not the answer because its not addressing the whole problem.

If you take the time to compare the ovarian cyst laparotomy vs natural treatment, you will have no trouble deciding on the best course of action.

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Ovarian Cysts - What Are They?


Ovarian cysts are sac-like growths or structures within an ovary. These sacs are filled with fluid. In general, the term cyst refers to a fluid-filled structure. And so, all ovarian cysts, by definition, contain at least some fluid.

A cyst is a fluid-filled sac, which could be located almost anywhere in the body. On or in the ovaries, different types of cysts may form. The most frequent, most common kind of ovarian cyst will be the type called "functional cyst". Functional cysts often form during the normal monthly menstrual cycle.

Each month, the natural cycle is that a woman's ovaries will grow small cysts, each containing one of their eggs. When an egg matures, the sac holding it ruptures, releasing the egg. This happens so that the egg can then go down the fallopian tube to the uterus for fertilization.

After opening to release the egg, the sac then dissolves. In the case with one kind of functional cyst, named a "follicular cyst", the cyst sac does NOT rupture and release the egg. Then it may just keep on growing. Follicular cysts normally disappear on their own within one to three months.

Another kind of functional cyst, called a "corpus luteum cyst", can form if the cyst sac does not dissolve. With a corpus luteum cyst, the sac seals up again after the egg has been released. Once sealed, fluid builds up inside the cyst sac, causing it to grow. This kind of cyst also, normally goes away by itself in a few weeks. But, it sometimes grows large, to nearly four inches in diameter. It may twist the ovary, or bleed, causing pain. Serophene or Clomid, drugs which are used to induce ovulation, may increase the risk of getting this kind of cyst.

These types of cysts are very rarely associated with cancer.

An ovarian cyst is, simply speaking, a collection of fluid in a sac within the normally more or less solid ovary. There are many different types of ovarian cysts. They are an extremely common gynecologic problem.

Ovarian cysts are a very common cause of concern among women, mainly because of fear of ovarian cancer. However, it is important to note that an overwhelming majority of these cysts on or in ovaries are not cancerous at all.

Still, some benign cysts do not go away by themselves. Some of these that do not go away will grow and cause problems. Many of these will require treatment. In very rare cases, the possibility exists that some may be or may become cancerous.

An ovarian cyst may be found during a routine examination, when you are feeling just fine. Or it may be discovered after it causes pain or problems and you go for a checkup to find out why.

In either case, there is good news: practically all ovarian cysts will just go away by themselves without any treatment. Those that cause problems can be treated. When you consider that the vast majority of ovarian cysts are benign, finding that you have cysts on your ovaries is not a great cause for worry.

For more information about ovarian cysts and what to do about them, including a proven way to shrink and control painful ovarian cysts without surgery, check out these articles.

Author Jorge G. Chavez is a researcher and writer who often investigates and works with various types of effective alternative medicine. For more information about what to do about cysts on your ovaries, click on the link in this sentence.

Ovarian cyst Removal may be unnecessary

Ovarian cysts in is almost every woman dreaded procedure. This is the final measure, which shall not be considered until and unless any other has tried and failed. Only when the serious problems of developing ovarian cysts from becomes the only option left. In some cases, this situation occurs if ovarian cysts are left untreated. Ovarian Cyst removal is a last resort option that is set by a normal lifestyle. However, many people believe that ovarian cysts are actually very few cases require the final option. Cyst in most cases, you can work with sound management. And surgery at an early stage can also be avoided. Make the understanding of a condition, if you suffer from ovarian cysts ovarian cysts removal shall be without prejudice to the application before.
Important factors and conditions
Removal of Ovarian cysts are necessary when Cyst is actually cancerous nature or in the case of other complications that can be cured with regular ovarian Cyst treatments. Cysts removed very serious and fatal for the patient.But all the Cyst condition requiring surgery.However, in cases such as ruptured ovarian Cyst, in which cases the only option is to remove cysts. before continuing on the procedure please make sure that you understand that all bets stand, in fact, it is better to get a second opinion on the following questions should definitely., before you enter the action theatre.
Why surgery require o?
o is it possible to ovarian Cyst, rather than the filter itself?
o What are the risks?
o surgery ensure complete management problem?
How soon I recover from surgery o?
Another important factor that need and must dedicate exclusively to consider is your emotional equipped to handle the surgery. Surgery to prove to the satisfaction of the drain emotionally so make sure to meet with the counselor in advance in order to respond emotionally surgery. Also, make sure that you understand all aspects of the ovarian Cyst removal procedure and full picture after the procedure is over.
Ovarian Cyst removal procedure
The procedure begins when the diagnosis has been established.Women who opt for this procedure to carry out the tests a lot and other treatments in order to be ready for surgery under the supervision of the other must be a speaker for example, by way of guarantees of any kind to the person suffering from diabetes needs to monitor their blood sugar very high or very low sugar levels can cause problems with surgery or even during recovery after surgery.In some cases, you only need to remove the Cyst, but in serious cases, you may need to remove the entire munasarjasta.Usually surgery is safe and it does not affect a woman's fertility.But still is in the process of getting all your reliability before selecting this procedure actually doubts.The procedure also depends on the condition of the patient, depending on the seriousness of the patient.Make sure to talk about the surgeon at the beginning of the license in advance and in detail to understand what is really you are.The doctor tells you to risks based on there are any screws holding in the case.But there may be a result of operation of a speaker or even after the surgery is over.It will take any two days in accordance with the procedure laid down in the patient's ovarian Cyst from fully recover from the week.
Alternative surgery
Surgery up to the smallest shapes can contain characters. is very much understandable why many women search for other options to improve their ovarian cysts. Although in some cases, surgery is the only option, but you can take some measures to avoid surgery left the integrated approach may be the best option but treat ovarian cysts, their treatment and prevention of their integrated method takes the multidimensional approach to laattavalun ovarian cysts. Surgery does not prove to be an effective means of preventing and cysts. This is a holistic approach is successful, if the integrated approach to use a different variety of remedies that can help you effectively to overcome ovarian cysts associated with various problems in sensible action plan for an integrated approach is intended to come into contact with. concerns only the symptoms, but unlike the usual forms of handling, it also, will be the root of the cysts cause cysts cures. an integrated approach also prevent problems from arising, which may result in the removal of ovarian Cyst surgery.

Mary Parker is a medical researcher, nutritionist, health consultant and author of the # 1 best-selling e-book, "Ovarian Cysts no more Secrets Of curing Ovarian Cysts, undertake a comprehensive review of the" Mary has written dozens of articles a comprehensive health and has been featured ezines and print magazines, as well as hundreds of sites around the world.
To Learn More About Mary Parker unique 3-step Holistic Ovarian Cysts Cure System visit: Ovarian Cysts

What You Need to Know About Ovarian Cyst Symptoms


The list of symptoms associated with ovarian cysts is quite large and includes many of the same symptoms as several other physical problems, such as endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, pregnancy or ovarian cancer. Due to this fact, the appearance of one or two symptoms, depending on their individual severity may or may not be a point for concern. If the symptoms become regular or become worse with time, then it is very important for you to make an appointment with your family doctor in order to be properly diagnosed.

One of the most revealing signs to look for with ovarian cyst symptoms are any type of menstrual changes or irregularities. This can mean many things including pelvic pain that can be constant or intermittent dull ache that may radiate to your lower back and thighs, longer or shorter periods or even the lack of menstruation, abnormal bleeding or even unexplainable weight gain.

Some of the other symptoms include:

o Those that are similar to women during pregnancy, such as nausea, vomiting or breast tenderness.

o Pain during intercourse

o A feeling of fullness in your abdomen

o Feeling as though you can't empty your bladder completely

o Pressure on your bladder or rectum

o Pain during bowel movements

o Intense exercise during the beginning of your menstrual cycle can produce irritation to an already sensitive ovarian cyst

While ovarian cyst symptoms can be severe and more obvious that there is a problem, sometimes the symptoms are so similar to other physical signs from other conditions it can be hard to tell them apart. This is why it is very important to go to your doctor and be examined.

Leaving an ovarian cyst unchecked it can grow, sometimes very quickly, twist, bleed or even rupture. If you have sudden severe abdominal or pelvic pain or pain with a fever or vomiting, you need to seek immediate medical attention.

Luckily, most times ovarian cysts and the symptoms they bring with them will disappear just as quickly as they showed up. The most common forms of ovarian cyst only require time to heal.

If you suffer with ovarian cyst symptoms you know how very painful and uncomfortable they can be. Making the decision to forgo traditional treatment, you should be prepared to take medications and possibly have surgery. There are natural ways to reverse and eliminate ovarian cysts. Discover what other women have already done to cure their ovarian cysts.

It's time to get your life back and stop suffering from ovarian cysts. Visit to find out more about ovarian cyst cures.

Early Warning Signs of Ovarian Cancer

Sunday, October 24, 2010 0 comments

What are the early warning signs of ovarian cancer? This is a very difficult question to answer, because while there are symptoms in the beginning stages of the disease, they tend to be so mild that both the woman herself and her doctors may not think the symptoms are indicative of ovarian cancer. This is particularly the case if the woman doesn't have ovarian cancer in her family's history. Yet, it's still helpful if women are at least aware of the most common signs of ovarian cancer. By knowing what the symptoms are, she may not discredit the possibility of ovarian cancer, especially if they get worse in a relatively short period of time. This article will help women obtain this knowledge by explaining in detail the two main warning signs: abdominal pain and urinary incontinence.

Abdominal Pain

The first sign of ovarian cancer that you should look out for is abdominal pain. This is due to the ovarian tumors attacking the abdomen, resulting in fluid build-up that puts pressure on the nerves. Yet, the pain may not feel much different than what a woman gets if she has a tummy ache or even bad gas. So, the key is going to be how long the abdominal pain lasts. Tummy aches and gas usually don't last too long, especially when the source of what is causing the problem gets taken care of. The abdominal pain will be chronic and worsen over time. In the latter stages of ovarian cancer, the pain will be accompanied with abdominal girth and digestive problems.

Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence is also a very common symptom of ovarian cancer. This is when a woman has an abnormal urge to urinate more than normal. When she does go to the bathroom, she may or may not actually urinate. Sometimes a woman may even leak urine even if she has gone to the bathroom. Now, incontinence is a much more significant than abdominal pain, so it may prompt a woman to seek at least a check-up. However, even the gynecologist may not realise what the problem is. This is because urinary incontinence can be a symptom of other diseases, some of which aren't even serious. An example is a urinary tract infection, a condition that can easily be treated with antibiotics. Yet, if the urinary tract infection is really indicative of ovarian cancer, antibiotics will not get it to go away.

So, what does a woman do if she exhibits any of the early warning signs of ovarian cancer? She needs to go to the doctor and let them know she has concerns over whether or not her symptoms are a result of the condition. The doctor will evaluate whether or not she is at high risk for the disease. If she is the doctor will probably suggest ovarian cancer screening. If she isn't the doctor will probably wait to see if the symptoms progress before suggesting any official screening. The reason this is the case is because women who are not at high risk for ovarian cancer tend to get misdiagnosed when they get ovarian cancer screening. Doctors want to avoid the possibility of a woman getting unnecessary ovarian cancer treatment.

You can learn more about ovarian cancer as well as the symptoms of ovarian cancer on my website . My website includes a whole range of articles focusing on the problems caused by ovarian cancer, treatments and of course what you should do if you think you have ovarian cancer.

Ovarian Problems-five issues that Deserve Your Attention

Ovarian cancer is the most severe of all ovarian problems due to this disease can cause death. Cancer, which grows or the surface of the ovaries and then spread through the body to the other institutions, if they do not already have been processed.
At least 45% chance of survival for recurring ovarian cancer stage 3.This opportunity is greater, if completed during the first two stages of this type of problem is ovarian. 4 steps:
Step 1-cancer munasarjasta or both ovaries is inside.
Step 2-cancer is munasarjasta or ovaries and has spread to the pelvis area.
Step 3-cancer is Enveloped in a reference as part of the surface of up to the abdominal cavity.
Step 4-the cancer has spread to other liver and lungs such as wider body parts.
Ovarian cysts occur during Ovulation. At its best, it is not cancerous and can reduce or dissolve a period at any time, which is about 60-90 days.They make up the cysts et "pop and cause a lot of discomfort to worst, torsion (deformation) and ovaries contain, in the light of growing interest and bleeding.
Sometimes surgery is needed to cysts. modern results, which show that it is ready to be dealt with in the natural state.Drinking rehmannia and cinnamon bark, tea or Cork, aids in cysts shrinking.
Hypofunction Ovarian premature ovarian failure or is in breach of the duty to produce hormones munasarjasta.This is one of the attributed to genetic infertility. this cause anomalies and sia problems that interfere with the normal ovarian functions. Estrogen is one of the procedures used in the treatment of this condition.
Ovarian overproduction of male hormones, is another issue that causes the ovarian development of physical characteristics, such as a man and a woman hyperandrogenism virilization.
Hyperandrogenism occurs when the woman suddenly her menstrual period, even if he has not yet menopausal.Body hair, such as human, increased and femininity is reduced because a reduction in breast size and shape of her body.
Virilization cause clitoral enlargement.A woman may occur also his voice to get deeper and extra muscle as well as the formation of hair growth, excessive.Treatment depends on which of the signs of the person.
PCOS occurs when there are a number of small cysts within munasarjasta and a woman is infertile.These cysts do not represent any danger to the health of the woman, however, it creates a substances having a hormonal action. This can be handled without the need for surgery, in most cases, because these types of cysts imbalance caused by hormones.
This is 1 out of 15 Common treatments are women. regular exercise, appropriate diets and weight loss treatment schedule.
Most women have to deal with one or more of these issues in one place in life. on the basis of the regular schedule and Match with your doctor and do not be afraid to ask questions. also be examined all the options before deciding a course of treatment for sure.

If you continue ovarian problems may be very says something is WRONG within the body of the message. Many women are choosing handles their alternative methods, and you may also find natural service exemption. Visit and information about natural system that teaches you can free up immediately marked pain and achieve sustainable ovarian Cyst freedom quickly! Louise b. Carter suffered from the painful ovarian cysts years. even if he is now a free Cyst, is his mission to inform the people of the treatment options that offer real solutions. therefore he can obtain compensation.
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